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Balancing Chakras with Yoga: part 1

What are the Chakras? 

According to the concept of Chakras, the human body exists not only on the physical level but is made of various layers of energy. These layers form the so-called subtle body.

Chakras (translated from an old Sanskrit as “spinning wheel”) are the energy wheels in our bodies. The human body has seven Chakras, which channel different energies. Every Chakra is associated with one of the natural elements represented by a colour.

Chakras are responsible for our behaviours and values in life, as much as they regulate our organs, systems and senses in the body. If an energy flow is blocked in one of the centres, which can be due to physical, mental, and/or environmental factors, it can cause an imbalance in the body and result in health issues.

As the concept of Chakras is closely tied to yoga philosophy, this article will explore what are the seven Chakras and how to balance each of these energy wheels with the practice of yoga.

There are seven Chakras in the human body: Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Svadishthana), Solar Plexus or Navel Chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna), and Crown Chakra (Sahasrara).

Root Chakra.
Muladhara is located at the base of the spine. It is a basis of the energy system, our earliest memories are stored in this place, and it serves as a grounding foundation for the rest of the Chakras. Due to this, the first Chakra is associated with the Earth element and the colour red.
When balanced, this energetic centre provides confidence, strength, and a feeling of safety. If this Chakra is “out of balance” or “blocked”, it can cause anxiety, low self-esteem, and insecurities. Yoga poses that help balance the Root Chakra are focused on grounding and stability through balancing and building strength from the legs.
Try: Mountain pose, Tree pose, Warrior poses.
Root Chakra Mudra.
Mantra: LAM

Sacral Chakra.
Svadhishthana is located in the pelvic area. It is responsible for self-expression, creativity, fertility, and channels the emotions of pleasure and joy. This Chakra governs sexual and reproductive organs, and is closely connected to the Water element and the colour orange. When the Sacral Chakra is blocked, it can cause emotional problems, such as feelings of guilt and frustration. While balanced, it provides motivation and creative inspiration, possibly making you feel a positive flow. Asanas that help balance this area work on improving circulation within the pelvic area, such as hip openers.
Try: Malasana, Lizard, or Twisted Monkey pose.
Sacral Chakra Mudra.
Mantra: VAM

Solar Plexus Chakra.
Manipura is situated at the navel area and possesses a transformative and heating energy. It governs the energy surrounding the stomach area, influencing mainly the digestive organs. The third Chakra is ruled by the Fire element, which connects it with the bright colour yellow. This Chakra corresponds to your willpower, a sense of inner strength and determination. If out of balance, it can cause stagnation, fatigue and low energy. A healthy Chakra provides a good sense of control, productivity, and a courage to take action. Yoga practice for this area is focused on activating and strengthening the core muscles, by  practicing twisting asanas.
Try: Sun Salutation, Boat pose, Spinal Twist poses.
Solar Plexus Chakra Mudra.
Mantra: Ram

This blog has explored the first three Chakras and what practices can be applied to work with them. The next part will discuss the other four Chakras and how to balance them. When all the Chakras are aligned, it can help one to feel happier and lead a healthier life.


(add the images with Mudras/ Chakras)