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start jouw hero’s

de Balanzs 200-uurs yoga teacher training opleiding
meld je aan

ben jij klaar voor de volgende stap in jouw hero's journey?

Woohoo! Je staat op het punt om te beslissen of je de volgende stap gaat nemen in het verdiepen van jouw yoga practice. Door meer kennis op te doen of misschien wel met de wens om zelf een inspirerende docent te worden! Hier worden wij blij van, want dit betekent dat je graag de gift van yoga wilt delen met anderen en andere mensen gelukkiger en blijer wilt maken.

Onze 200-uurs yoga teacher training wordt begeleid door een team van Senior Teachers en is een van de meest unieke en uitgebreide opleidingen die er is. Het is een training die je de rest van je leven bij zal blijven.
Om dit mogelijk te maken, hebben we bij Balanzs 2 speciale modules ontwikkeld:

teacher training
jouw avontuur begint hier

Module 1 is ontworpen voor gepassioneerde yogi's die meer kennis willen opdoen en hun practice willen verdiepen. In deze unieke mix van Vinyasa en Yin Yoga wordt je uitgenodigd te ontdekken wat yoga is voor jou. Persoonlijke ontwikkeling is dan ook het voornaamste doel in deze module.

We behandelen de yoga filosofie, (gevorderde) yoga practice, Sanskrit, anatomie, Traditional Chinese Medicine, en meer. Deze module is niet alleen de voorbereiding op Module 2, maar ook een reis in jezelf die je leven zal veranderen.

Wat je kunt verwachten in module 1

  • 85 uur zelfontwikkeling
  • extra lange yogalessen, begeleid door onze senior teachers
  • een ervaring die je leven verandert
  • nieuwe vrienden die jouw passie voor yoga delen


Prijzen module 1 & 2 – 200 uur

  • Early bird* € 2.550,- (15% voordeel)
  • Late bird € 3.015,- (10% voordeel)
  • Payment in terms: (€ 3.300,- bevestiging voor early bird datum)
    *Early bird datum – 31 January 2025


Prijzen module 1

  • Early bird € 1.250,-
  • Late bird € 1.375,-
  • Betalen in termijnen: € 1.500,- via SEPA direct debit
    *Early bird datum – 31 January 2025
balanzs teacher training
wordt een inspirerend docent

Onze tweede module leer je hoe je de opgedane kennis uit module 1 kunt implementeren, toepassen en eigen kunt maken. Je start met het ontwikkelen van jouw skill set om les te geven, door je medestudenten te doceren maar ook 'echte lessen' in de studio van Balanzs. Je leert de verschillende elementen die een docent een goede docent maken. Van sequencing, adjustments, het vinden van jouw authentieke stem en ook de zakelijke kant van yoga. Alles om jouw niet alleen een 200h Yoga Alliance certified teacher te maken, maar ook een fantastische en inspirerende docent.

Wat je kunt verwachten in module 2

  • 115 uur ervaring opdoen
  • een reis van verandering & groei
  • ontdek & ontwikkel teaching skills
  • voorbereidingen voor een leven als yogadocent!



Prijzen module 1 & 2 – 200 uur

  • Early bird* € 2.550,- (15% voordeel)
  • Late bird € 3.015,- (10% voordeel)
  • Payment in terms: (€ 3.300,- bevestiging voor early bird datum)
    *Early bird datum – 31 January 2025


Prijzen module 2

  • Early bird € 1.750,-
  • Late bird € 1.975,-
  • Betalen termijnen: € 2.250,- via SEPA direct debit
    *Early bird datum – 8 Augustus 2025

trainee to teacher review

teacher training graduate

trainee to teacher review

“This Balanzs TT was far beyond my expectations! I didn’t know if I wanted to be a yoga teacher in the future. I started the course because I wanted to learn more about yoga and improve my personal practice. Shortly it became obvious that I want to teach yoga and share what I learnt.

The whole TT was run so smoothly and professionally yet humble. I have felt a true connection with the whole team. The brilliant Balanzs TT teachers are knowledgeable, dedicated and each of them has something unique to teach you! This TT is not only about learning the asanas and the teaching skills of how to teach yoga, but it’s also about integrating yoga into your daily life.

When I finished my course, I applied as a teacher and happily I have become a part of the team.

I would definitely recommend this TT to everyone who wants to learn more about Yoga in a safe, professional and personal atmosphere.”


trainee to teacher review

teacher training trainee

trainee to teacher review

“I often consider Balanzs my “yoga home”. My first studio yoga class took place at Balanzs. After completion of my Teacher Training at Balanzs, I am now fortunate that I am able to teach several classes a week at Balanzs.

The teacher training gave me a good foundation on which I could build the rest of my teaching career and all the classes since have helped, and still help, develop and refine my own personal teaching style.

Not only did the training kickstart my teaching career, it also allowed me to break free from an old life and career that I was no longer happy in, and so also helped lay the foundation for the person I am today.”


trainee to teacher review

teacher training trainee

trainee to teacher review

“I’ve always liked the atmosphere at Balanzs.

What I really liked about the TT is that we got to learn from different experienced teacher, each one of them sharing their own experience and knowledge. And all of them guided us with the same openness and kindness I know from Balanzs.

The TT provided me the opportunity to really discover myself as a (yoga)teacher. That was also what the teachers encouraged us to do. We were given lots of tools but mostly honest feedback on our own journey, the struggles that come along with it and of course also the beautiful parts of it.

During the whole teacher training I also felt the honest intention from the teachers, which is to spread yoga, kindness, love and to encourage each others inner strength. Sometimes it was confronting, but for me it felt like it all was for the good.”

yin & yang

Onze yoga teacher training combineert het beste van twee werelden. Je zal kennis opdoen over yoga, filosofie en vinyasa yoga, maar ook meer leren over TCM en yin yoga.


Onze training gaat verder dan kennis opdoen over yoga, en baseert zich op de oosterse en westerse anatomie. We duiken in onderwerpen als bindweefsel, gewrichten,


Authenticiteit en zelf-expressie als docent, maar ook als persoon, zijn essentiële elementen in de training. Je zult je eigen unieke stijl van lesgeven ontwikkelen.

wil je meer weten?

Download ons E-book!
In dit e-book vind je alle benodigde informatie die je nodig hebt
om de juiste beslissing te kunnen maken.

Dit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.

Onze volgende training start op 14 maart 2025 in Rotterdam.
Binnenkort zal er een nieuwe datum voor de Open Dag bekend worden gemaakt.
Je vindt de trainingsdata, tijden en verdere details in ons e-book.
Wil je je aanmelden of heb je vragen?
Boek een online vraag-en-antwoord meeting.

book meeting

wat je kunt verwachten

set up for success

  • The journey starts
  • Reading list preview
  • Trainee mailing list
  • Training information

Weekend 1: get grounded into the body - preparation

  • Appendix I: The story of Virabhadra, the Fierce warrior
  • Yang: centering, warming up, sun salutations & dancing warriors
  • Anatomy: introduction to anatomy and physiology
  • Yin: earth element: grounding, nourishing & transforming

Weekend 1 ~ get grounded into the body ~ manual

  • Introduction preview
  • The hero's journey preview
  • Yang ~ centering, warming up, sunsalutations & dancing warriors preview
  • Anatomy ~ introduction to anatomy and physiology preview
  • Yin ~ earth element: grounding, nourishing & transforming preview

Weekend 1 ~ get grounded into the body ~ presentations

  • Yoga history
  • Yang ~ centering, warming up, sunsalutations & dancing warriors
  • Sankalpa preview
  • Anatomy ~ introduction to anatomy and physiology
  • Yin ~ earth element: grounding, nourishing & transforming

Weekend 2 ~ energy: beyond and within the body ~ preparation

  • Post weekend 1 ~ additional resources
  • Yang ~ standing, balancing and seated(hip opening) positions I
  • Anatomy ~ anatomy and physiology,upper & lower extremities I
  • Yin ~ metal element: communicating, bordering & letting go fire element: warming, changing & lightening

Weekend 2 ~ energy: beyond and within the body ~ manual

  • Yang ~ standing, balancing and seated(hip opening) positions I
  • Anatomy ~ anatomy and physiology,upper & lower extremities I
  • Yin ~ metal element: communicating, bordering & letting go fire element: warming, changing & lightening

Weekend 2 ~ energy: beyond and within the body ~ presentations

  • Yang ~ standing, balancing and seated(hip opening) positions I
  • Anatomy ~ anatomy and physiology, upper & lower extremities I
  • Yin ~ metal element: communicating, bordering & letting go fire element: warming, changing & lightening

Weekend 2 ~ additional resources

  • Yang: additional resources
  • Yin: useful preparation resources

Weekend 3 ~ back to the source ~ preparation

  • Yang ~ backbends, twists and core strength
  • Anatomy ~ yoga anatomy & physiology the spine
  • Yin ~ water element: flowing, purifying & containing life energy governing & conception vessels: connecting heaven and earth

Weekend 3 ~ back to the source ~ presentations

  • Yang ~ backbends, twists and core strength
  • Sanskrit
  • Anatomy ~ yoga anatomy & physiology the spine
  • Yin ~ water element: flowing, purifying & containing

Weekend 3 ~ homework

  • Yang ~ daily practise

Weekend 4 ~ yoga in the western world ~ preparation

  • Yang ~ armbalancing, seated (hip opening) positions II and inversions/finishing positions
  • Anatomy ~ anatomy and physiology,upper & lower extremities II
  • Yin ~ wood element: growing, creating, detoxing
  • Yin ~ get familiar with the meridian pathways and associated asana

Weekend 4 ~ yoga in the western world ~ manual

  • Yang ~ armbalancing, seated (hip opening) positions II and inversions/finishing positions
  • Anatomy ~ anatomy and physiology,upper & lower extremities II
  • Yin ~ wood element: growing, creating, detoxing

Weekend 4 ~ yoga in the western world ~ presentations

  • Yang ~ armbalancing, seated (hip opening) positions II and inversions/finishing positions
  • Anatomy ~ anatomy and physiology,upper & lower extremities II
  • Yin ~ wood element: growing, creating, detoxing
  • Exam study guide

the senior teachers team

teacher training balanzs

the senior teachers team

This is me in three words:
“hello beautiful yogis!”
Things that make me smile:
my 2 boys, good coffee, kindness, my own jokes (laugh more than smile😂), sunshine!, the ocean, the wifey’s smile and chocolate
I teach yoga because:
i love to see people bloom into more than they thought possible.


the senior teacher training team

teacher training balanzs

the senior teacher training team

This is me in three words:
To-the -point, playful, down-to-earth
Things that make me smile:
Being connected with myself, with others and with the nature
I teach yoga because:
I am keen to inspire people to discover their own healing power, life energy and self- love.


the senior teacher training team

teacher training teacher

the senior teacher training team

This is me in three words:
Eternal optimist, vibrant, entrepreneurial
Things that make me smile:
Selfless acts of kindness and of course chocolate
I teach yoga because:
I truly believe that yoga & meditation makes you happier, healthier and kinder. More yoga equals more kindness equals a better world for all.


the senior teacher training team

teacher training teacher

the senior teacher training team

This is me in three words:
Happy Healthy Yogimum
Things that make me smile:
Being around lovely people, traveling, good food, chocolate and of course A good yoga class
I teach yoga because:
It’s the best ‘job’ to have and it brings me joy and energy!


the senior teacher training team

teacher training teacher

the senior teacher training team

This is me in 3 words:
Present, enthusiastic and supportive
Things that make me smile:
Yoga, nature and love
I teach yoga because:
It makes people smile
