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What is so special about yoga?

Have you been wondering what is so special about yoga and how can it improve your life?
Are you already a proficient yogi who has experienced all of the benefits of this life-changing activity? Or maybe you are a beginner, searching for a reason to start practicing yoga? In any case, here you will find some interesting thoughts on the matter.

Yoga, just like any other physical activity, boosts our physical health and reduces stress. We all have heard it before: movement is life. Our bodies are made for movement and it is our responsibility to take care of the vessels that keep us well and alive.

However, yoga differs from the traditional types of sports, as it is based on the philosophy which aims to keep the body and mind healthy, but also to bring positive lifestyle changes. Many people who don’t find joy in what we think of as “normal sports”, like lifting weights at the gym, intense cardio training, or competitive team games, eventually get into the mind-state that “sport is just not their thing”. However, they can actually be surprised and reassured after giving yoga a try, as it provides a very different kind of gratification.

In short, yoga is a practice of connecting the mind, body, and spirit through movement, breath, and meditation. The main components of yoga are postures that usually follow in a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility. This practice originates from India and has been adopted by many people all over the world, gaining immense popularity due to its benefits.

So, what are these advantages of yoga?
Firstly, yoga significantly minimizes stress. Focusing on the movements helps to feel grounded and present, which might be a challenge in the rush of everyday-life. By bringing awareness to the breath, we can feel more calm and relaxed. Through these elements, yoga helps with the symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, and depression. Additionally, yoga can promote pain relief, which definitely brings more ease and joy into our lives!

Naturally, yoga postures have a direct impact on the body, its vital organs, and nervous system. Like this, the practice can help with balancing hormones, boosting the immune system, and lowering blood pressure. It improves blood flow and directly impacts heart health. Certain movements like body twists and bends can promote better digestion, and active types of yoga can definitely help with cardiovascular health.

Finally, yoga helps to build a strong body! Strong doesn’t always mean extremely muscular or athletic, – true strength comes from a firm spine and flexibility. There are plenty of postures that help to build a strong stamina and make our muscles more flexible, and joints more agile. Regular yoga can help maintain good posture and overall physical mobility.

There are plenty of reasons why yoga has gained such popularity over the years and it is not an overstatement. If you’re still looking for a reason to begin, or don’t feel so assured by the facts, the only way to experience it is by giving it a try and seeing the benefits for yourself!



– 14 reasons you really should be doing yoga. (2023, January 23). Women’s Health.

– 9 benefits of yoga. (2021, August 8). Johns Hopkins Medicine, based in Baltimore, Maryland.

– Explore the ancient roots of yoga. (n.d.). Google Arts & Culture.