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Balancing Chakras with Yoga: part 2

Balancing Chakras with Yoga: part 2

Balancing Chakras with Yoga: part 2

In the first article we have explained what the Chakras are and how to balance the first three of them. The second part of the blog is going to discover the rest of the Chakras and how to bring them in alignment with yoga and meditation tools.

Heart Chakra.
Anahata is located in the chest, near heart and lungs. This energy centre brings harmony into one’s life and acts as sort of a bridge between the lower and upper chakras. The fourth Chakra is connected to the Air element and the colour green. In balance, it allows you to give and receive love, to feel compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude. An imbalanced Chakra may result in losing a sense of connection with others, emotional detachment and numbness. Yoga poses that help with balancing Heart Chakra are focused on chest and shoulder openings and backbends.
Try: Camel pose, Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog poses.
Heart Chakra Mudra.
Mantra: YAM

Throat Chakra.
Vishuddha is present in the throat, and as such is responsible for communication, speech and hearing. It influences the ability of self-expression, but also impacts in general how genuine you are and allows you to speak the truth. The fifth Chakra is associated with the element of Space and the colour blue. When this energy centre is not balanced, you may experience problems with being authentic and communicative issues. On the other hand, when the Chakra is open, you feel free to express your voice and also feel good at listening to others without judgement. Yoga poses for the fifth Chakra target the throat area and help the energy flow to this centre.
Try: Plow pose, Fish pose, Shoulderstand
Throat Chakra Mudra.
Mantra: HAM

Third-Eye Chakra.
Ajna is situated in the forehead, at the point between the eyebrows, and so it is also referred to as a “third eye”. It is responsible for intuition and serves as a sixth sense that helps you trust your instincts and see things clearly. The sixth Chakra is connected to the element of Light and the colour of indigo. This energetic centre has a great spiritual significance, and when it’s working well it allows you to self-reflect, be imaginative, and rely on your inner wisdom. A misaligned Ajna Chakra may lead to a cynical and close-minded world view, and can even cause migraines and nightmares. Yoga poses that help to balance the sixth Chakra are versatile: it can be asanas stimulating the Third Eye, resting and restoring poses, and those increasing focus and concentration.
Try: Dolphin pose, Child’s pose, Eagle pose
Third Eye Charka Mudra
Mantra: AUM

Crown Chakra.
Sahasrara, the last chakra, is usually connected to the colour violet. It can be found at the top of the head and it differs from the other chakras, as it represents the spiritual realm and an element of Conscience. Not everyone manages to fully open this Chakra, and it can be addressed only after the rest of the six channels are aligned. In balance, the seventh Chakra allows you to feel at peace and have a positive attitude towards your life. Out of balance, it may make you feel negative most of the time and disconnected from the world around you and from your Higher Self. Yoga poses that bring attention to the Crown Chakra can represent inverted positions, stimulating the blood flow to your head, but it can also be resting poses and meditation.
Try: Headstand, Half Lotus pose, Savasana
Crown Chakra Mudra
Sound: OM

The practice of opening Chakras can include yoga asanas, Mudras, and chanting Mantras. Meditation and Pranayama are always a beneficial addition to energy work. These tools can be combined together with the mental work to enhance wellbeing and have a healthier life.
