12 week hormonal yoga course
Did you know that hormones are controlling many of the body’s crucial functions such as mood, physical and mental health, sleep, and behavior? In a modern woman’s life hormone balance is becoming increasingly compromised by extreme stress, insufficient self-care, or imperfect diet.
Hormonal Yoga is a natural way of bringing your hormones into balance. It has already helped many women in the past 30+ years. Hormone Yoga is a combination of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga combined with special breathing, visualization and anti-stress exercises, all to nourish hormonal health. Kim will guide you in this wonderful practice that stimulates hormonal glands and positively influences your nervous system.
The 5th of March we will start a course of 12 weeks with 6 classes, deepening the practice of hormonal yoga. Creating more understanding of the hormonal yoga series. After these 12 weeks you have balanced the hormones and you will have the tools to keep them balanced yourself.
practical information

Deepening the practice of hormonal yoga. Creating more understanding of the hormonal yoga series and how it affects your body. After 12 weeks you have balanced the hormones and you will have the tools to keep them balanced yourself without to much effort.
- Regain your female power
- Increase your energy level, feel fit and relaxed
- Ease PMS symptoms, like low energy, mood swings, cramps
- Stabilize your cycle
- Increase your pregnancy chances
- From age 35+ prevent early menopausal symptoms, vitalize the hormonal system
- Relieve unpleasant (pre-)menopausal side effects like hot flashes, insomnia, migraine, depression, joint pain, dry mucous membranes, long and heavy bleeding etc.
Contraindications for practicing Hormone Yoga: after surgery, during pregnancy, psychosis, cancer, in cases in which your levels of estrogen should not increase. In case of any hormone-related disease ask your medical doctor and your hormone yoga teacher for advice. This course is for women only.

Hormonal Series of Dinah Rodrigue
Session 1: Basic Technics. Warming Up. + Asana 1 to 4 :Janu – Sirsasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Mahasana
Session 2: Warming Up + Asana 5 to 7: Prana waves of beauty + Yoga Nidra
Session 3: Warming Up + Asana 1 to 7 + Yoga Nidra
Session 4: Warming Up + Asana 8 to 10 activate Thyroid, slimming exercise + Bandha Traya
Session 5: Warming Up + Asana 11 to 12 activate metabolism, Dynamic Viparita, Harmonise overies, thyroid and pituitary gland. Harmonising energie of the chakra’s +. adrenal gland
Sesssion 6: Full serie + end of Course.
After each class you will get access to a short recording of the practices done that day.

Times & Dates:
The hormonal course exists of 6 sessions in 12 weeks, all take place at Balanzs Mariniersweg, Rotterdam.
- Wednesday 5th of March 13:30 – 15:30
- Wednesday 19th of March 13:30 -15:30
- Wednesday 2th of April 13:30- 15:30
- Wednesday 15th of April 13:30 – 15:30
- Wednesday 29th of April 13:30 -15:30
- Wednesday 14th of May 13:30- 15:30
Sign up before February 16th and make use of our special Early Bird price of € 200,- (otherwise € 240,-) This price for 6 classes, including practicing material.
sign up now
Are you ready to learn how to create more understanding of the hormonal yoga series and how it affects your body.? Sign up now!
terms & conditions
Amount of participants: min 6, max 16 people
(In case minimum amount of participants is not reached you will be notified and reimbursed)
Cancellation policy:
- If the cancellation is made at least 12 weeks before the start of said workshop or course, 50% of the tuition fee will be charged.
- If the cancellation is made between 12 and 6 weeks before the start of the workshop or course, 70% of the tuition fee will be charged.
- If the cancellation is made within 6 weeks of the start of the workshop or course, the full tuition will be charged. If the Client withdraws from the workshop or course once it has already started, the Client will not be refunded.